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I was extremely dissappointed to learn that today my son s credit note was refused. His sister bought him a coat at christmas time, which he returned in the new year and was issued a credit note. It was apparently out of date, but only by a few weeks, and hand written, not computer generated. I would have thought that as an independant business, the moral and right course of action to take would have at least been an amount of reimbursement as a good will gesture. You have after all had £65 of my daughters hard earned cash, and my son has nothing for the money. I find it astounding that this is your standard of customer service, it is disgusting that you have treated my son ( age16) in such a dismissive manner. Where is your humility and business sense? I own two large retail outlets, and if i treated my customers with such blatant contempt, i can honestly say i would no longer have a business. I hope you can sleep well, with such an empty conscience.

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