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Over the years I have spent hundred if not thousands in the Norwich Whisky Shop but today I feel my next buy will be on line. After informing a member of staff that I was looking to purchase the Dalmore 18 to match the 12 and the Cigar Malt previously purchase I said I was confused because the online Whisky Shop price was £5 cheaper than in Shop. He said there had been a price rise over the weekend but when he checked on line himself he admitted it was still the old price. Thought as good gesture he would honour the original price but no he would not sway and we were left with an uncomfortable silence. My advice to others is search online elsewhere for whisky not because of the £5 but because loyalty means nothing to these people so have none to them.... Dalmore 18 £30 pounds cheaper online don't treat good customers or any customer like fools!!!!

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