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Well where do I need to start. Bought my daughter a pair of black shoes from stompers. The sales assistant at the time couldn't kiss my ar*e enough and my daughter walked up and down the carpet several times (as advised by the sales assistant). I purchased the shoes (£58) and the only time my daughter fitted the shoes on again was to show her father. We came to the decision the shoes were too long in the foot. This is when the problems started when returning the shoes. The following Saturday I returned the shoes and was accused of returning unsellable shoes and they said my daughter had worn them. The soles were perfect and they had only been on her feet for literally seconds. After a very long (unpleasant) exchange of words, they would not give me a refund and basically i'm a liar in both the owner and kiss ar*e sales assistant eyes. I would STRONGLY advise to stay away from this shop as it is not as it seems. Doesn't deserve one star.

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