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I would give the shop a big fat zero if this review site would allow me to. My mother and I with my 3 year old daughter visited the store with the sole intention of buying holiday dresses. On entry the male work looked put out by the entry of a child in his shop. I won't pretend my daughter is a saint as she kissed his precious mirror but she was well behaved and asking questions and looking through the clothes telling us what she liked. The man in question asked us to leave as she didn't sit quietly but was acting like a normal interested child. He was offensive, rude and upset us all by his behaviour and language. He cost himself a lot of money today as we happily left empty handed. Other customers looked at him bemused and even commented to me he was overreacting. I believe he thinks this shop is a boutique rivalling harrows not the mainstream high street shop it is. Avoid at all costs that mum's and children are not welcome. Spend your money with better customer service.

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